At our practice, we understand that your missing teeth can become bothersome and even embarrassing for some patients. Our goal is to work with you to develop a solution that is right for you. We don’t have a one size fits all kind of dental practice, but rather, a practice that believes each patient smile is just as unique as they are. Our practice is run by Dr. Doyle Freano, Jr., DMD, an experienced dentist located in Lexington, KY. Dr. Freano offers many different replacement options to give you the healthy, beautiful looking smile.
Teeth Replacement Options in Lexington, KY
Missing teeth is a rather common dental concern. Cosmetic and general dentist, Dr. Freano understands that each patient smile is different, so we offer a variety of replacement options with the hope one will give you the smile you desire.
Dentures & Partials
Dentures and Partials are a great way to replacement option for your missing teeth. dentures can help restore your smile and fill out your face if your face begins to sag due to missing teeth. Dentures and Partials can be customized to match your existing teeth giving you a natural solution to your dental problems. Dentures and partial are removable, however, Dr. Freano can secure them with dental implants, this concept is known as “all-on-four”
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges can replace one or consecutive missing teeth. They are usually removable, however, Dr.Freano can secure them with dental implants.
Dental Implants
Affordable dental implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth. Dental implants are known for their durability and their natural look.Dr. freano is a trusted dentist, who has over 30 years of experience working with dental implants. During your consultation, Dr. Freano will thoroughly exam your mouth, teeth, and gums to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Patients need to have strong jaw bone in order to receive their dental implants, so it is important for Dr. Freano to do a thorough examination.
Dr. Freano is a dedicated general dentist dedicated to providing unique, high-quality care to each of his patients. If you are suffering from missing teeth, visit our beautiful Lexington, KY dental office.