If hearing the diagnosis “root canal” gives you anxiety, you are not alone. Lexington, KY dentist Dr. Doyle Freano understands that root canals have a history of being seen as a painful and lengthy dental procedure. Here are some True or False questions to quiz your knowledge and debunk some myths about this restorative dental treatment.
True or False: Root canals are an extremely painful dental procedure.
Answer: False. The root canal procedure is usually relatively painless. With modern medicine and anesthetics, most patients will tell you the procedure was no more uncomfortable than a dental filling. The root canal infection itself is painful and can cause soreness and tooth sensitivity. Root canals clear out the inflamed and infected pulp inside of your tooth which will relieve tooth pain. Many patients say that their pain is almost immediately alleviated after their root canal procedure.
True or False: It is better to just have my infected tooth extracted.
Answer: False. It is always recommended to save your natural teeth. Dr. Freano will always offer the most conservative dental treatment plan possible. Saving your natural tooth with a root canal can save you money, time, and help support your oral health. Root Canals are a common dental procedure that Dr. Freano is highly trained and experienced in executing. With high success rates and patient satisfaction, root canals are a safe and effective dental treatment. In some severe cases of tooth decay, the tooth may not be able to be saved with a root canal. If this is the case Dr. Freano will recommend alternative restorative dental treatments.
True or False: Regular visits to Dr. Freano may help me avoid needing a root canal.
Answer: True! Brushing, flossing, and regular visits to our Lexington dentist office can help avoid the development of complex dental concerns. Regular professional tooth cleanings can keep plaque and tartar from building and causing tooth decay. Visiting Dr. Freano twice a year can also help diagnosis any tooth decay early. Early diagnosis and treatment with tooth fillings can prevent further decay avoiding advanced dental procedures.
Do not ignore the signs of tooth decay. If you are experiencing tooth pain, frequent sensitivity or notice a strange smell or taste to your mouth, schedule a visit to our Lexington dentist office.