Dental Implants vs. Dentures Lexington, KY

If you are missing teeth, Dr. Morgan Chambers offers many options for replacement. Whenever possible, she will recommend dental implants as their benefits far outweigh those of dentures. Dental implants are the closest solution to your natural teeth if you are missing teeth.

However, the best treatment for you will depend on your personal oral health needs and cosmetic goals. Dr. Chambers will evaluate your gums and teeth and present you with all of your treatment options. She will explain the pros and cons of dental implants vs. dentures in his Lexington, KY, dental office.

Implants and Dentures in Lexington, Kentucky

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is actually a titanium post that a dentist surgically places into your jaw bone. The titanium post acts as the tooth root to provide a strong base for the replacement tooth or dental prosthetic. Then the dentist will attach the prosthetic tooth to the post. Unlike dentures, dental implants do not wiggle or wobble in place.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are custom-made artificial teeth that a dentist uses to replace many missing teeth. Traditional dentures are not permanent meaning you can remove them and put them back in when needed. A technician creates them in a dental lab using impressions of your mouth. Dentures take some time to adjust to and will need replacement or readjusting over time.

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

While a traditional denture fills the place of teeth, dental implants hold a replacement part in the area where a tooth once was. Dental implants provide external support for natural teeth and gum tissue.

Traditional dentures can’t last forever because they don’t consist of natural health-giving materials like bone or tissue that grows from your body. You must remove them after the gums become too loose or the tooth sockets too large for them. These limitations don’t exist with dental implants since they replace lost teeth at the root. Several factors that mark the differences between traditional dentures and dental implants.


Dentures are cheaper than dental implants upfront, but they have certain disadvantages. Dentures can be uncomfortable, are not as durable as dental implants, and can cause problems with chewing and speaking. They also have more maintenance costs and requirements than a tooth implant.

Dental implants are more expensive than dentures, but they last longer and provide a more natural feeling. They also come in different shapes for different people’s mouths. If you maintain your dental implants properly and visit our Lexington dental office regularly for teeth cleaning, they will last forever.

Natural Appearance

A face without teeth will appear sunken and can add years to your look. Both dentures and dental implants will keep the natural shape of your face and lower jaw area. But dental implants look more like natural teeth when compared to dentures. Dental implants can also be color-matched to your natural teeth.

Chewing Function

Dentures will deliver about a 30 to 40% normal chewing function. Dental implants will deliver a 100% normal chewing function. The constant worry that your teeth may fall out while eating is not an issue with dental implants. Oftentimes, dentures may slip around or may not fit correctly leaving you with the worry of falling out.

Snug Fit

With dentures, you may need to apply a gooey adhesive every time you wear them to hold them in your mouth. Also, dentures may be a bit uncomfortable. They cover a large portion of your mouth with plastic depending on the type of dentures you get. They may feel weird in your mouth and take some time to adjust to because they are bulky.

Bone Loss

Dental implants are the most common treatment for the loss of jawbone. They are also the best way to prevent premature bone loss. The implants consist of titanium and they replace the lost root of a tooth because of gum disease or tooth decay. Because of this, the implant continues to stimulate the jawbone like a natural tooth does.

Maintenance and Care

Dentures involve a lot of care because you must brush them daily and they can possibly break if you drop them. You can never let your dentures dry out and that can be a constant worry, especially when not wearing them. Dental implants require the same care as your natural teeth which eliminates a lot of extra work. You can brush them and floss them without worrying about damaging them.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation

Are you missing a single permanent tooth? Do you have rows of missing teeth? Dr. Chambers can help you! Call his office today at 859-251-3809 or request a dental appointment online.

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