FAQ: All About Gum Disease

Dr. Doyle Freano is your experienced restorative dentist in Lexington, KY. She helps patients overcome many dental concerns with his extensive menu of dental services. There is rarely a dental concern that she cannot treat in our Lexington, KY dentist’s office. One of the most common dental concerns that she treats is gum disease; however, many patients are not aware of what gum disease is, why it is caused, and how it is treated. Dr. Freano answers frequently asked questions about gum disease below:

Treat Gum Disease in Lexington, Kentucky

What is Gingivitis?

Have you ever noticed a small amount of blood in the sink following brushing or flossing your teeth? If so, you’ve likely experienced gingivitis. Gum bleeding is one of the earliest symptoms of gum disease development. This is caused by a buildup of food residue surrounding your gumline and irritating your soft tissues. Treated early, gingivitis can be reversed by improving your oral hygiene routine, ensuring that you are flossing close to your gum line, and attending your routine dental cleanings.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease occurs when the buildup around your gum line hardens into plaque or tartar, making it more difficult to remove. The bacteria inside of the buildup begins to eat away at your soft tissues, causing more advanced symptoms. Symptoms of advanced gum disease include discolored gum, tender gums, increased dental sensitivity, loose teeth, and bad breath. Left untreated, the infection may spread and cause permanent tooth loss. It’s important to contact your dentist in Lexington, KY if you notice the signs and symptoms of gum disease.

How To Prevent the Progression of Gum Disease

To prevent gum disease progression, patients should make sure to attend their biannual dental cleanings. During your dental cleanings, one of our trained hygienists will remove any buildup on your teeth, stopping gum disease progression in its tracks. They have the tools and the skills needed to chip away any plaque or tartar threatening your gum health. Patients should also practice a strict at-home oral hygiene routine to prevent buildup from occurring in the first place. Brushing and flossing twice a day, rinsing your mouth out after midday meals, and chewing sugar-free gum will help reduce the amount of food residue on your dental structures throughout the day.

How To Treat Advanced Gum Disease

Our office offers periodontal therapy services to help patients treat their advanced gum disease. Your treatment will largely depend on the severity of your infection. Often, a deep tooth cleaning known as scaling and root planning are necessary to remove any bacteria above and below your gum line. However, the more severe cases of gum disease may require us to coordinate oral surgery treatment with a local periodontist. The best way to find out what kind of treatment you need is to schedule an appointment with your Lexington, KY dentist’s office. We will help you restore your smile from the harmful effects of gum disease.