Caring for your smile at home and visiting the dentist for biannual appointments help maintain and improve your oral health. An oral hygiene routine is a part of preventative dental care, meaning that a good oral hygiene routine can prevent dental problems down the road. As your local Lexington, KY dentist office, we want to help you maintain your smile and make sure that you’re caring for your smile at home.
Oral Hygiene FAQs From Your Lexington, KY Dentist
Learn about how to care for your smile at home and discover more about professional dental cleanings with answers to these common questions:
Should I use a manual or electric toothbrush?
While electric toothbrushes can be easier to use, you can still clean your smile with a manual toothbrush. When using a manual toothbrush, rotate the brush in circular motions. If you use an electric toothbrush, you do not need to rotate the brush, which is why people often find electric toothbrushes more convenient.
Why do dentists use a scaler?
Scalers are metal tools that dental hygienists use as scrapers. During a dental cleaning, a scaler removes hardened plaque, or tartar, from the teeth and gums. Removing plaque and tartar from the smile can prevent problems such as gum disease and tooth decay that affect your oral health.
What ingredients should you avoid with mouthwash?
Avoid these ingredients when you’re looking for mouthwash:
- Alcohol
- Saccharin
- Parabens
- Cocamidopropyl Betaine
- Chlorhexidine
Some of these ingredients can cause allergic reactions or create sensitivity.
Why do I need dental cleanings twice a year?
Professional dental cleanings are a part of preventative dental care. With routine cleanings and examinations, we keep track of our patient’s oral health and any emerging dental problems. Hygienists can also treat problems like tartar or reach areas of the smile that you can’t reach when you’re cleaning your teeth and gums at home.
Why is flossing important?
Although many people may not floss daily, flossing is an important part of a good oral hygiene routine. Flossing before you brush your teeth removes hidden food particles between the teeth. Sugars and starches attract harmful bacteria, which feed on food particles and irritate the gum tissue and tooth enamel. Over time, plaque and tartar can form on the teeth and gums, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.
Flossing can prevent common signs of gingivitis, a precursor to gum disease marked by bleeding and irritated gums. Patients who do not floss often will experience bleeding gums when they brush their teeth.
Call Dr. Doyle Freano for 859-251-3809. You can also request a dental appointment with Dr. Freano on our website. If you have any questions about caring for your smile at home, please call our office, and we will be happy to help.